"These hands are made for good, not evil"...Thanks mom, but sometimes you need the bad with the good.
2012. Currently in my possession.
Mass Mentality
Weighing down, one after the other, until it's the only thing that is of value. The force that is mass mentality jamming it's way down our thoughts
2012. Currently located in Oregon.
The Visionary
As much as can be seen, as much as can be created.
2012. Currently in my possession.
Hands became a major focal point throughout my art studies and went beyond any other belief I may have had. If I was going to achieve something, it needed to be with these hands.
2012. Group Exhibition: Art 343: Ceramic Sculpture, Commons Gallery, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI
2014. Solo Pop-Up: Chitty Bang, The Safehouse, Honolulu, HI
currently in my possession.
The Guardian
The center is carved with a memory I wanted to protect, but the outer rim and glaze keep it locked away. It's contents are forever sealed away and even I don't remember what I wanted to keep guarded.
2012. Currently in my possession.
rocking teapot
Formed using origami folds. Unfortunately the handle drooped too low in the kiln affixing the lid permanently. It still rocks though.
2012. Currently in my POssession.
Hold me where it doesn't hurt
Sometimes artists make emo-tional things, like this.
2012. currently in my possession.
Coiled creatures
These creations were made by using the technique of rolling clay into long strands then slip and scoring them together to make these very organic shapes.
2012. currently in my possession.
hand made wolf
Two running themes working together.
2012. Currently in my possession.
Fleur 3d portrait